hey, back with me again here. in my blog.. hehe
okay, finally after 2 weeks, my school experience just ended.
actually i feel a bit sad. but i'm also happy. because i don't need to wake in early morning again. hehe :p
i got a lot of experience when i was there.
i know what should i do to be a next generation of teacher now. i already have a vision to make Indonesia's education become better. yahh,, it's not an easy thing. but im sure I and 88 student in 2011 cohort + my seniors in campus, we can make it true. we can change Indonesia become a great country.
yeyyyy #backsound : indonesia raya ^^
i remember when the headmaster of SD kembang said "don't ever stop studying, because education always develop everytime"
so, that's mean that i still have to study a lot.
okay, i think it's enough. not really an important information actually. hahahaha..
but i just want to share it.
see yaa in my next blog. ^^
we are ready to change Indonesia. amiin ya Allah ^^
BalasHapusbu teacher jarin saya dunk...
hehe,, siap ibu akuntan. ^^
BalasHapusnnti yahh kalo ak udh sarjana, ak ajarin dhh. lohh?? hehe :p
sipsip..saya tunggu anda kapanpun anda bisa..
siap ibu akuntan !! ^^